Friday, February 2, 2024

How NRA Firearms Instructor Rick Ector Was Robbed In His Own Driveway - Part 9

How NRA Firearms Instructor Rick Ector Was Robbed In His Own Driveway - Part 9

I’ll Do Or Try Almost Anything Once – Even Shoot A Gun

So, my big adventure continued as I went to a local range to shoot a handgun for the very first time in my life. For the record, it is not recommended to visit a firing range without first taking a gun safety class or at the very least taking along a knowledgeable shooter with you. 

In fact, it is dangerous. I didn’t know any better. You have read this passage, so now you know. Ignorance kills. The Bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I was lucky. Any number of things, all of them bad, could have happened that day. Fortunately for me, I checked my ego at the door and asked someone behind the counter for help. 

I got a very basic introduction but critical 20 second tutorial: Don’t load it until you are in the booth, Always keep the gun pointed downrange, Position your hands so that they are not in the path of the slide, and unload the gun before you leave the booth.

I managed not to hurt myself or anyone else. However, if I had experienced a hang fire or a squib load in the booth, things may have turned out differently. I must say that I was rather proud of myself after shooting.

Shooting was an enjoyable experience. It was a blast – pun intended. My adrenaline was pumping; I was high off of shooting a gun. I guess I had just found myself a new and exciting hobby.

As I was driving home from the range that afternoon, still mentally digesting the requirements for the CPL, I had arrived at an intersection whereby the stoplight had just turned red. The car in front of mine had an advertisement on the back of it for a "CCW Class." 

More than ever, I believe that when your mind is truly ready for something, the Lord will make it appear. This situation merely provided confirmation. I immediately called the displayed phone number and discovered that there was a class being held on the very next day. I RSVP’d and took the class on the very next day.

(To be continued)

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