Thursday, April 28, 2011

Personal Protection Tips From the Detroit Police Department

This past Tuesday evening, I attended the Detroit Police Department's (DPD) "First Quarter Report on Crime" at Charity Lutheran Church on the east-side of town. One of the presenters, DPD Lt. Dwayne Blackmon, gave a presentation on personal protection.

In my professional opinion as a Personal Protection Instructor, it was a decent speech when you consider the amount of information he crammed into it within the short amount of time he was allowed to teach. I took notes and present the following to you as personal protection tips from the Detroit Police Department.

  • Be wary of folks erratically riding by on a bicycle. It may be a tip-off that he is holding a handgun.

  • Avoid Coney Island Restaurants at 2:00am on the weekend.

  • Don't go to "after-hours" bars and clubs.

  • If you use a carwash at night, you'll probably be robbed.

  • Gas stations and parking lots are dangerous places.

  • Avoid going to the gas station every day. Fill up your tank.

  • Carjackers can be children appearing to be just loitering nearby.

  • Avoid patronizing establishments with folks "hanging out" in close proximity.

  • Be aware and speak to people near you. It may discourage an attack.

  • Don't leave valuables in plain sight in your vehicle.

  • Crime can happen as often during the day as often as it does at night.

  • Alcohol is a major cause of domestic violence.

  • If a family member leaves and threatens to come back to harm someone, remove that person from the area.

  • If you are thrown into a trunk, you can draw attention to the situation by either opening the trunk via the latch in newer cars or kicking out the brake lights with your feet in older cars and sticking your hands in the newly created hole.

  • Three times of the year when crime spikes:

    • The Christmas shopping season
    • The first warm weekend (85 degrees F)
    • The day time "falls back."

Obviously, there is a lot more that can be taught on the subject of personal protection than what was presented. Interested persons who desire the Detroit Police Department to give their group, church, or organization a more thorough and longer presentation are invited to contact their local DPD District.

For the record, I was disappointed that DPD did not approach the subject of the lawful use of a handgun for personal protection. The reason they cited for the omission was that citizens using handguns for personal protection wouldn't drive down and make a significance difference in the crime stats.

I disagree. In my humble opinion, if more people carried and used firearms for personal protection, less crimes would be committed. DPD and I respectfully agree to disagree on this topic.

However, if you have a desire to take a state of Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Class, contact me:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit

Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, May 7th, 2011

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Quentin Tarantino

In the following photo, which fundamental safe firearm handling rules, if any, are being violated?

If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Detroit Police Is Speaking Frankly About Crime - Are You Listening?

Last night, I attended the Detroit Police Department's (DPD) "First Quarter Report on Crime" at Charity Lutheran Church on the east-side of town. Previously, I had never attended one of these sessions but I thought that I would be better informed as to DPD's future direction if I went.

I was correct in my assessment. After the meeting, I found that I did indeed gain additional insight about our city's state of affairs with regards to crime. This post will share my observations on the session.

DPD Chief Praises His Officers' Dedication

The informational section of the meeting was kicked off by DPD Chief Ralph Godbee. I have had the honor of both being introduced to the Chief and the opportunity to speak with him on several occasions. True to form, Godbee demonstrated that he is an excellent communicator, a consummate professional, and speaks frankly without any pretense of misleading anybody about the status of his department.

Godbee spoke with pride about his personal assessment of the officers who either serve in his command or are among those within the rank and file. In his estimation, they are the among the best in the nation, the hardest working in the country, and do more with less than any other police force in the United States. Therein lies the biggest issue with DPD.

My opinion is that the city of Detroit does not have the resources to properly man and operate a police force in a city of our size, even with our latest population count at a number somewhere north of 700,000. Godbee shared that although people have left town in significant numbers, the amount of crime in the city has not dropped at the same ratio.

The implication of that observation is that those folks who do evil in Detroit have not left. Further, DPD hints that Detroit's geographical size - 1,440 square miles - has not shrunk and leaves their officers struggling to provide adequate support.

The "elephant in the room" is the fact that Detroit is on the brink of bankruptcy. Thus, the idea that we should allocate and budget more money for the police department is a moot argument. The cold reality is that DPD is understaffed and that fact won't change anytime soon. If our crime problem is going to be solved, it will have to be done under our current financial constraints.

DPD Chief Concedes That The Police Can't Do It All

Godbee admitted that the current state of affairs has forced him to redesign the way DPD approaches crime. The current model, he asserted, is 50 years old and was correct for a city with 1.2 million residents and 5,000 sworn officers. Thus, consultants who practice a management science known as "Six Sigma" are working with DPD to alter service delivery.

DPD is going to end the practice of responding to all calls. They are in the process of figuring out exactly what types of calls that they will no longer provide support in an effort to decrease their response time to other types of crimes. At last night's meeting, they did not share any specifics but it is very certain that DPD has realized that it can't do everything by itself, so it is not going to try to do so.

DPD's future approach to crime-fighting assumes that it is going to need and get support from the community to be successful. Predictably, there was a clarion call to revive older programs such a "Neighborhood Watch" which was touted as effective in prior years and to promote the usage of newer tools such as anonymous crime reporting, GPS devices in DPD squad cars, and fancy technology that can detect gunfire and pinpoint the location of its origin within 12 feet.

What Does DPD Think About Handguns For Personal Protection?

It is clear that DPD has a fervent desire to both involve the community and to deploy applicable technologies to help solve Detroit's crime problem. Thusly, you can now better appreciate my curiosity, as a Firearms Instructor, in the presentation - later on in the program - that was ran by DPD Investigator Dwane Blackmon which addressed personal protection tips that citizens can employ to be safe.

As soon as it was announced, I immediately grabbed a 3X5 index card to submit my question to be answered. My question was not a tough one, by my standards, but it covers a subject that the police usually avoid talking about publicly: The lawful use of a firearm for personal protection.

Blackmon's presentation was a great abbreviated version on the subject of situational awareness and personal protection, however it did not address the lawful use of firearms for self-defense. So, I am thankful that Chief Godbee answered my question despite an attempt by a screener to censor "certain" questions - like mine - from being asked.

I asked DPD via a submitted 3X5 index card:
With respect to limited resources available and the need to make tough decisions about which calls to answer, why wasn't there any mentions about the lawful usage of firearms for personal protection during the "safety tips?"

Godbee respects and supports the Constitutional right of citizens to own firearms. He did caution that it is incumbent on gun owners to use them lawfully and responsibly. So, if citizen feels there is a need for him to own one, he should get one.

I concede that there have been incidences of a few gun owners behaving irresponsibly with their arms, however, those numbers are small and greatly pale in comparison to the number of folks in the general population and law enforcement officers who are not responsible with their firearms. Legal gun owners, especially those with Concealed Pistol Licenses (CPLs), are the most law-abiding segment of our society.

Godbee's position and personal opinion on guns not being in the crime prevention presentation is that citizens owning guns won't drive down crime numbers. In contrast, I believe that if greater numbers of citizens carried guns, then criminals would face a hostile working environment and that our crime numbers would indeed drop.

Godbee and I agree on both major points: a right to own a gun and the need to use that gun responsibly. However, our views also differ vastly on perceived "use" of a firearm. Godbee stated that a handgun is an "offensive weapon."

In my opinion, the use of a handgun depends on who is using it. In my view, a police officer uses his firearm primarily as an offensive tool to capture and subdue criminal suspects. Additionally, a police officer would use his handgun defensively if he was ever ambushed by a bad guy.

Alternatively, a person who carries a firearm for personal protection uses his gun defensively. In my particular case, I have carried a firearm every day for five years and have yet to use it offensively to attack someone. However, if I am ever attacked, my usage of that firearm would be defensive even if I shot a bad guy. I was surprised of the Chief's "take" on the "use" of firearms but since he supports the Second Amendment, I won't "beat him up" on the overall subject of guns.

The Bottom Line Of The Meeting

The Detroit Police Department is understaffed and underfunded. Chief Godbee concedes that he and his department can't do it all. They are asking for our support because they need it. Without the public's aid, we will never solve Detroit's crime problem.

The citizenry are being asked to be "nosy neighbors" like Mrs. Kravitz on the Bewitched TV show from years ago. Lt. Blackmon urged citizens to S.N.I.T.C.H. (Some New Info That Can Help) and to use anonymous crime reporting services to be the ears and eyes of DPD in our respective communities.

Citizens are also being asked by DPD to become more active in their personal protection. However, in the tips and tactics that they provided last night, such as how to get out of a automobile trunk after you've been thrown into one, stop short of advocating that you buy a firearm because they feel that it won't be reflected in the statistics.

In contrast to DPD, I am a huge advocate of firearms being used "defensively" for personal protection. If you have a desire to learn how to use one lawfully, safely, and responsibly, please consider my Detroit Michigan CCW Class.

One thing is abundantly certain, DPD is making changes. Are you listening?

[Video] Detroit Michigan Open Carry Dinner (LAID) - April 18th, 2011 - BluePointe

This embedded clip is a movie slideshow of photos from "Legally Armed In Detroit's" Open Carry Dinner. It is believed to have been the first OC dinner conducted within the city limits of Detroit.

Over 75 attendees participated in the event which featured live entertainment, great food, and great company. The dinner had extensive media coverage: Fox News, AP, WDIV, WJBK, WWJ, and others. Check out the movie to see how much fun we had on April 18th, 2011.

If you do not see the video above, visit our Youtube Channel.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Detroit Michigan CPL Classes Instructor's Personal Protection Blog Wins Award


Detroit, MI - April 26, 2011 -- Detroit Michigan CPL Classes Instructor's personal protection blog wins an award for its crime prevention content.

The Internet blog review staff at "BlogFront" bestowed their 'Top Guns Blog Award' to the web design team that operates the "Legally Armed In Detroit" (LAID) web site. scours the Internet looking for quality blog content to recognize as credible to assist searchers with their task of finding useful and reliable content. Currently, Blogfront recognizes blogs in the following categories: Work, Health, Culture, Food, Tech, People, Good News, and Sports.

LAID was launched in 2008, as a complementary resource, by Detroit Michigan CPL Classes Instructor Rick Ector to provide original content, articles, and essays to continually update Michigan residents about the subjects of firearm safety and personal protection.

In response to receiving the honor, Ector stated that "although the recognition is appreciated, it was never the driving force behind the site's numerous updates and original content." Ector, a former robbery victim, added that he "wants to educate the general public how they can remain safe and sound during these currently troubling times."

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the BlogFront and Detroit Michigan CPL Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Contact: Rick Ector
Phone: 313.733.7404

Contact: Maria Blanchard

Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, May 7th, 2011

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

[Video] Detroit Michigan CCW Classes - Student Testimonial #195

The following video is a student testimonial from one of our most recent state of Michigan compliant Concealed Pistol License Training Class:

If you can't see the video in this post, view it on our Youtube Channel.

Are All Detroit Police Officers Aware of the Fact That Open Carry is Legal in Michigan?

At the last Detroit Police Board of Commissioners Meeting - held April 21, 2011 at Detroit Police Headquarters - Gun Rights Activist Rick Ector asked two questions for commission members to answer:

  1. Are all Detroit police officers aware of the fact that 'Open Carry' is legal in the state of Michigan?
  2. Does the Detroit Police Department have established procedures to govern police officer conduct when approaching a citizen who is 'Open Carrying' a handgun?

What is the Function of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners?

The Detroit Board of Police Commissioners is a five member civilian oversight panel. The city of Detroit Charter specifies that each member "must" be a resident of Detroit. Additionally, each member is appointed by the Mayor to serve a five year term. The duties of the Board include the following:

  • In consultation with the Chief of Police and with the approval of the Mayor, establish policies, rules, and regulations.
  • Review and approve the departmental budget before its submission to the Mayor.
  • Receive and resolve any complaint concerning the operation of the police department.
  • Act as final authority in imposing or reviewing discipline of employees of the department.
  • Make an annual report to the Mayor, the City Council and the public of the department’s activities during the previous year, including the handling of crime and complaints, and of future plans.

What is 'Open Carry' of a Handgun?

Open carry (OC) is the act of displaying a handgun in a completely visible holster. OC is legal in 44 states in the US, including Michigan. Michigan is currently one of the fastest growing states in terms of OC popularity. As such, the practice will continue to grow both state-wide and in the city of Detroit.

Despite many inaccurate statements made in the media, OC is not legal in Michigan because a new law authorized it. OC is legal in Michigan because it has never been made illegal.

A person, who has his firearms ownership rights intact, can OC if he is at least 18 years of age, has the firearm registered in his name, is on foot, and does not enter a pistol-free zone without permission.

Why Did Rick Ector Ask the Police Commission Two Questions About Open Carry?

On April 18th Rick Ector - Gun Rights Activist and Blog Publisher of "Legally Armed In Detroit" - held an OC dinner at the BluePointe Restaurant.

Over 75 participants attended the dinner, which is widely believed to have been the very first ever dinner within the city of Detroit limits in which the attendees were openly carrying a firearm.

Accordingly, the dinner garnered a lot of attention in the media. The event was covered by, but not limited to, the following news reporting organizations: The Associated Press (AP), Fox News, Fox News Detroit Channel 2, WDIV TV Detroit Channel 4, WXYZ TV Detroit Channel 7, and WWJ Radio Detroit.

Throughout the evening, Ector was approached by several people who wanted to share their negative experiences with the Detroit Police Department while legally Open Carrying a handgun in the city. A common question that was asked of Ector was whether all members of the Detroit Police Department were aware of the legality of Open Carry.

Ector's response was that "All members of the Detroit Police Department should be aware of the legality of Open Carry in both the state of Michigan and the city of Detroit. The Michigan State Police recently published an issue of their "Educational Update (#86)" in which the topic of Open Carry was covered. Since this info gets sent to all law enforcement agencies in the state of Michigan, the Detroit Police Department should be aware of the legality of Open Carry."

Furthermore, Ector stated that he would be attending the next Detroit Police Commission Meeting and would pose this question to the Board to answer during the "Public Comment" section of the meeting.

What Did the Board of Detroit Police Commissioners Say?

Speaking on the behalf of the Commission, Detroit Assistant Police Chief Chester Logan, stated, "The short answer to both questions is yes." However, Logan failed to comment on the "long" answer to both questions.

Logan's answer on the record is significant. It implies that if Detroit police officers trample upon the rights of citizens who elect to Open Carry a handgun, they (i.e. Detroit police officers) do so voluntarily despite being trained on the subject.

Trained police officers who choose to violate the rights of citizens place the city of Detroit in jeopardy of losing a lot money in civil lawsuits. Furthermore, the officers involved also face the prospect of losing their "civil immunity" and being held personally responsible.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Official Recap of the LAID Open Carry Dinner in Detroit, Michigan

On Monday - April 18th, 2011 - Rick Ector held an Open Carry Dinner in the city of Detroit at the BluePointe Restaurant. In the aftermath, the event was described as both an epic and history-making undertaking.

Ector is a National Rifle Association (NRA) credentialed Firearms Instructor, based in Detroit, who teaches state of Michigan compliant Concealed Pistol License Classes (CPL). The express purpose of conducting this event was to increase awareness that Open Carry is legal in the state of Michigan and the city of Detroit.

Open carry (OC) is the act of displaying a handgun in a completely visible holster. OC is legal in 44 states in the US, including Michigan. Michigan is currently one of the fastest growing states in terms of OC popularity. As such, the practice will continue to grow both state-wide and in the city of Detroit.

Despite many inaccurate statements made in the media, OC is not legal in Michigan because a new law authorized it. OC is legal in Michigan because it has never been made illegal.

A person, who has his firearms ownership rights intact, can OC if he is at least 18 years of age, has the firearm registered in his name, is on foot, and does not enter a pistol-free zone without permission.

Over 75 participants attended the dinner, which is widely believed to have been the very first ever dinner within the city of Detroit limits in which the attendees were openly carrying a firearm. Attendees enjoyed an excellent meal, were entertained by a live blues band, and conversed among themselves about the practice of Open Carry.

Accordingly, the dinner garnered a lot of attention in the media. The event was covered by, but not limited to, the following news reporting organizations: The Associated Press (AP), Fox News, Fox News Detroit Channel 2, WDIV TV Detroit Channel 4, WXYZ TV Detroit Channel 7, and WWJ Radio Detroit.

At one point, the event was in jeopardy of not being conducted due to the amount of publicity. A few days before the event the co-owners of the original venue - Elias Brothers on Jefferson Avenue in Detroit - backed out of hosting the event.

Contrary to what was reported in the media, the Elias Brothers corporate organization did not call off the event. In fact, a corporate marketing VP tried to get the local franchise to honor the agreement. Negotiations failed.

Consequently, the event was moved to the BluePointe Restaurant which warmly welcomed the opportunity of hosting a full house of law-abiding diners on its premises. In this case, Elias Brothers pulling out of the deal was a blessing as it was responsible for the event being moved to the BluePointe Restaurant. The amenities, great staff, and an awesome owner were responsible for the dinner being a huge success.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.

Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, WDIV News, WXYZ News, WWJ Radio, WJR Radio, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

If you are interested in learning more about Open Carry or Concealed Pistol License training, visit "Legally Armed In Detroit" on the Internet.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Media Appearance: The Wayne Bradley Show - April 21, 2011

On Thursday, April 21, 2011 I made my second appearance on the Wayne Bradley Show. We discussed Open Carry, Concealed Carry, Gun Rights, and Freedom.

If you not see an embedded video player below, visit our blog at Legally Armed In Detroit to hear the interview.

Listen to internet radio with Wayne Bradley Show on Blog Talk Radio

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.

Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, WDIV News, WXYZ News, WWJ Radio, WJR Radio, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the Open Carry and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Marquise Porter

In the following photo, which fundamental safe firearm handling rules, if any, are being violated?

If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.

Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, May 7th, 2011

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Our Next Media Appearance: The Wayne Bradley Show - Tonight at 9:00pm

Our next scheduled media appearance will be tonight at 9:00pm on the Wayne Bradley Show. The show will discuss the Open Carry Dinner we ran in Detroit this past Monday evening at the BluePointe Restaurant.

To listen in to the show, visit his Internet Show on the BlogTalk Network tonight (Thursday, April 21, 2011) at 9pm.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.

Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, WDIV News, WXYZ News, WWJ Radio, WJR Radio, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the Open Carry and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

Rick Ector - Detroit MI Gun Rights - WILS 1320AM Interview - April 20, 2011

Yesterday, I made an appearance on the "Fritze & Friends" radio show on station WILS out of Lansing, MI. We discussed the topic of my recent Open Carry Dinner in Detroit at the BluePointe Restaurant.

The MP3 recording is posted below:

"Fritze & Friends Radio Show"
WILS 1320AM Lansing, MI
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

If the embedded MP3 player is not visible above, visit our blog "Legally Armed In Detroit" to listen to it.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.

Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, WDIV News, WXYZ News, WWJ Radio, WJR Radio, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the Open Carry and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Successful Dinner Organizer To Solicit Detroit Police Department's Position On Handgun Open Carry


Detroit, MI -- April 20, 2011 -- The organizer of Detroit's first Open Carry Dinner will make an appearance at today's Board of Police Commissioners Meeting to solicit a position from the police department on the legality of the open carry of a handgun.

Rick Ector, a local Detroit gun rights activist, will ask the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners - during the public comment section of the agenda - if they are aware of the fact that the open carry of a handgun is legal in the state of Michigan.

This past Monday, Ector promoted and conducted a successful dinner event at the BluePointe Restaurant in Detroit whereby all of the diners openly and lawfully displayed a handgun. At this event Ector was contacted by several citizens who alleged that on prior dates that they were harrassed, unlawfully detained, or arrested by Detroit police officers for no other reason than the fact that they openly displayed a handgun.

The purpose of the inquiry is to determine if Detroit police officers need training on the legality of open carry or if there is a disconnect between police department policy and the conduct of some of their officers on patrol in Detroit.

In the state of Michigan, it is legal for a person 18 years of age to display his own registered pistol in a completely visible holster without a special permit, as long as he does not venture into a state designated pistol-free zone.

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, WDIV News, WXYZ News, WWJ Radio, WJR Radio, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the Open Carry and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404


Rick Ector On "Let It Rip" - Thursday, April 14th. 2011

On Thursday, April 14th, I was an in-studio guest on the "Let It Rip" TV Show. I have enclosed a video that shows us debating "Open Carry."

I'm seated within the panel on the middle show segment for about eight minutes.

If you don't see a video in this post, visit our blog: Legally Armed In Detroit.

LAID Open Carry Dinner - WXYZ Detroit - April 18, 2011

Our Open Carry Dinner on April 18th, 2011, was covered by WXYZ Detroit - Channel 7.

If you don't see an embedded video above, view it at our blog: Legally Armed In Detroit

LAID Open Carry Dinner - Fox News Detroit - April 18, 2011

Our Open Carry Dinner on April 18th, 2011, was covered by Fox News Detroit - Channel 2.

If you don't see an embedded video above, view it at our blog: Legally Armed In Detroit

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, April 16, 2011

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Detroit Michigan CCW Class Instructor Moves Venue of Local Open Carry Dinner


Detroit, MI - April 13, 2011 - A local Self-Defense Instructor has changed the venue and date for a dinner in Detroit in which all of the diners will be visibly armed with a handgun.

Rick Ector, owner of the Internet blog "Legally Armed In Detroit" (LAID), was forced to change the location of an Open Carry dinner in Detroit, MI. It will now be held on Monday, April 18th, at the BluePointe Restaurant at 17131 E. Warren Avenue on the east-side of Detroit at 6pm. Dozens of handgun toting patrons are expected to attend and participate in the event.

In the state of Michigan, it is legal for a person 18 years of age to display his own registered pistol in a completely visible holster without a special permit, as long as he does not venture into a state designated pistol-free zone.

The purpose of the dinner, as explained by Ector, is to raise awareness of the legality of Open Carry in Detroit and to exercise a right many feel that is constantly under attack. Ector states, "There are thousands of law-abiding, tax paying, and voting residents in Detroit who are proud gun owners. We are planning to have a peaceful meal while proving that Detroiters can behave lawfully with firearms in their possession."

Ector was forced to move the dinner to another venue due to the original venue's owners becoming uneasy at all of the publicity that was garnered in the media when the event was first announced publicly Monday evening. According to Ector, last week co-owner Larry Ina of the Elias Brothers Restaurant in downtown Detroit was very eager to host the event. Ector adds, "I was caught totally off-guard at their reversal. I hope that in their haste to not offend anti-gun customers that they do not accidentally cause law-abiding gun owners to boycott their eatery."

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the Open Carry Dinner and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Detroit Michigan CCW Class Instructor To Hold Open Carry Dinner In Detroit

Detroit, MI - April 10, 2011 - A local Self-Defense Instructor is organizing a dinner in downtown Detroit in which all of the diners will be visibly armed with a handgun.

Rick Ector, owner of the Internet blog "Legally Armed In Detroit" (LAID), is organizing an Open Carry dinner on Thursday, April 21, 2011. It will be held at the Elias Brothers Restaurant on East Jefferson Avenue in downtown Detroit at 6pm. Over 50 handgun toting patrons are expected to attend and participate in the event.

In the state of Michigan, it is legal for a person 18 years of age to display his own registered pistol in a completely visible holster without a special permit, as long as he does not venture into a state designated pistol-free zone.

The purpose of the dinner, as explained by Ector, is to raise awareness of the legality of Open Carry in Detroit and to exercise a right many feel that is constantly under attack. Ector states, "There are thousands of law-abiding, tax paying, and voting residents in Detroit who are proud gun owners. We are planning to have a peaceful meal while proving that Detroiters can behave lawfully with firearms in their possession."

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about the Open Carry Dinner and Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, April 16, 2011

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Princess Leia

In the following photo, which fundamental safe firearm handling rules, if any, are being violated?

If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.

Name That Firearm Safety Violation: Luke Skywalker

In the following photo, which fundamental safe firearm handling rules, if any, are being violated?

If you can't see the image, visit our Detroit Michigan CCW Class blog site.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ammunition Malfunctions: Misfires, Hangfires, and Squib Loads

An ammunition malfunction occurs when a firearm fails to operate as designed because of an issue related to the loss of potency of a cartridge's constituent powder charge. Accordingly, ammunition cartridges should be properly stored under proper environmental conditions to reduce the likelihood of a malfunction.

Proper storage conditions would include leaving the ammunition in its original packaging, without the presence of extreme temperatures - hot or cold - in a dry and non-humid environment. Not doing so, could lead to foreign material (e.g. excreted sweat from fingers, water or other liquids, or condensation) that could seep into and break down the powder charge's ignition integrity via the crevice where the bullet is crimped into place by the casing's open rim.

Three common ammunition malfunctions, typically taught in a Firearm Safety Class, are misfires, hangfires, and squib loads.

One ammunition malfunction is called a misfire. A misfire occurs when the trigger is fully pulled and the firearm fails to discharge. In other words, the cartridge's powder charge has deteriorated so much that it fails to be ignited from the generated spark caused by the firing pin's striking of the primer cup.

At the exact moment that the trigger is pulled and a failure to discharge is noticed, it is too early to diagnose the malfunction as a misfire; it is possible that a hangfire is about to occur.

A hangfire is an ammunition malfunction that is best described as a "delayed discharge." In this scenario the powder charge in the casing had some difficulty in being ignited before being able to achieve a normal discharge. A misfire ammunition malfunction can delay a firearm's discharge as long as thirty seconds.

Thus, when a shooter pulls a firearm's trigger and there is no immediate discharge it is undetermined whether the malfunction is either a misfire or a hangfire. So, it is imperative that fundamental firearm safe handling rules are followed until 30 seconds have elapsed.

For example, if a firearm fails to discharge when the trigger is pulled the firearm should be kept pointed in a safe direction. Every year there are at least a few people who have undiagnosed misfires who manage to shoot themselves in the face while looking down the barrel of their firearms. A shooter's face is not a safe direction.

Accordingly, if the loaded firearm with the pulled trigger does not discharge within 30 seconds, it is safe to assume that a misfire had occurred. A correctly diagnosed misfired round can then be safely removed from the firearm. Otherwise, the firearm while still pointed at a safe target will discharge (via a hangfire) safely.

Finally, another type of ammunition malfunction is a squib load. A squib load occurs when there is both a noticeable difference in the amount of felt recoil and the level of noise generated when the firearm is discharged. In other words, the cartridge's powder charge had broken down such that the generated force of the discharge failed to fully propel the separated bullet completely through the barrel; the gun's barrel is blocked.

In this scenario, a dangerous condition exists. If a firearm with a blocked barrel is fired one of three things can happen: a broken handgun, or a serious injury to the shooter that may cause death, or both.

Thus, a shooter should pay attention to his firearm while shooting it. If the discharge rings in as a low "Pop" instead of a high "Bang," and there is a big drop-off in felt recoil a squib load should be assumed. The handgun should be safely opened, unloaded, and inspected. If there is a bullet in the barrel, it should be poked out with a tool.

Most ammunition malfunctions can be prevented by using proper storage techniques. Improperly stored ammunition could have broken down powder charge in the casing. As a result, a misfire, hangfire, or a squib load could result. However, in the event of a ammunition malfunction a knowledgeable and safe shooter will notice and take the appropriate action.

Practice firearm safety every single time you handle a firearm.

Be safe.

[Video] "Mason In The Morning" Radio Show Appearance - April 5th, 2011

This past Tuesday, April 5th, I made an appearance on the airwaves during the "Mason In The Morning Show" at WGPR Headquarters in downtown Detroit. I recorded the interview in two parts and have embedded the video below.

If you can't see two embedded videos in this post, visit our Channel on Youtube!

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW Classes training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Gun Digest, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, WJLB, WGPR and the UrbanShooterPodcast.

For more info about Detroit Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:

Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Next Detroit Michigan CCW CPL Class: Saturday, April 16, 2011

We are pleased to announce another CCW/CPL Class of this year! So, if you have a desire to qualify for a Concealed Pistol License, so that you can feel safe, register for our next class.

Southfield Hampton Inn
27500 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, Michigan 48034

Option I

Pay Tuition 7 Days in Advance ($150) and Save $25!
(Total Cost: $150 + Range Expenses)

Option II

Pay Tuition ($175) within 7 days before class.
(Total Cost: $175 + Range Expenses)

Register at our site: Click here!

Range expenses will be incurred at the range to handle gun rental, range time, ammunition costs, and a fee for a target. The estimated fee is $35.

Our class starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp!

More info on Detroit Michigan CCW Class is available at our web site.

Next Media Appearance: Tuesday - "The Mason Show" - 107.5FM - 7:30am

My next currently scheduled media appearance will be this upcoming Tuesday morning (April 5th, 2011) at 7:30am on the "Mason Show." I will be present in the studio to discuss and answer questions about the racist origins of gun control, firearm safety, and responsible gun ownership.

You can listen in live at 7:30am over the radio by setting your tuner to 107.5FM. Alternatively, you can listen in live over the Internet at web address

L.A.I.D. Detroit Open Carry Dinner Date - Thursday, April 21rst, 2011

On Thursday, April 21rst, 2011, "Legally Armed In Detroit" (LAID) will be having its first ever Open Carry Dinner in downtown Detroit, Michigan at the Elias Brothers Restaurant on East Jefferson Avenue.

The venue will be:

Elias Brothers Big Boy Restaurant
7033 E Jefferson Ave,
Detroit, MI 48207


View Larger Map

Event starts at 6:00pm.

LAID is a gun rights advocacy organization that promotes lawful firearms ownership which includes the practice of "open carrying" of a firearm on your person. In Michigan, it is completely legal for a person 18 years of age to display a registered pistol (in his name) in a completely visible holster without a special permit, as long as he does not venture into a state enumerated pistol-free zone.

One interesting feature of Michigan law is that persons with a Concealed Pistol License (CCW/CPL) can legally open carry in a pistol-free zone, as long the owner doesn't mind. The establishment where we are dining doesn't have a liquor license, so it is a non-issue for attendees who did not have a CPL. Furthermore, we have express permission from the owner to dine there while visibly armed.

See you there!

We're going to a safe and great time.