Thursday, July 16, 2015

Rick Ector To Appear On "Cam and Company" To Discuss Constitutional Carry In Michigan

Rick Ector To Appear On "Cam and Company" To Discuss Constitutional Carry In Michigan

Today, I will be a guest on the NRANews' "Cam and Company Show" to discuss a recently introduced bill by Michigan House Rep. Cindy A. Gamrat that seeks to bring Constitutional Carry to our state. 

Constitutional Carry is the concept that a person who is legally able to possess and own a firearm, should also be able to carry it without a special license. 

Constitutional Carry would not legalize the carrying of arms by people who currently can not possess firearms: persons with felony convictions, misdemeanor DV convictions, dishonorable discharges, mental illness diagnoses, being under-age, having a current PPO against them, and etc. 

Currently, six states have already enacted and passed Constitutional Carry: AK, AZ, AR, VT, WY, and KS. Maine will go Constitutional Carry in October of this year. Further, WY still requires non-residents to have a permit to carry there. 

The typical argument against Constitutional Carry is that there are no mandated training requirements, usually associated with licensing schemes. In states that currently have Constitutional Carry, the ability for more people to carry has led to more people seeking out firearm training. 

The official conversation on Constitutional Carry has been started in Michigan by State Representative Cindy A. Gamrat (R- District 80) who recently introduced Michigan HB 4778. Predictably, the nay-sayers are already acting like Debbie Downers. 

I leave you with a quote by Ghandi: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

The segment starts at 3:20pm EST today. Watch live in HD over the Internet:

Check it out!

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