NRA Certified Firearm Instructor Training - March 6th - March 9th, 2015
Do you have the knowledge and expertise to be an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor? Do you want to help your fellow citizens learn more about the fields of Firearm Safety and Personal Protection?
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit is announcing National Rifle Association (NRA) Certified Firearm Instructor Training Classes.
NRA Instructor Training Courses teach candidates how to teach firearm safety and shooting skills to others using the NRA instructional methodologies and training materials. The possession of basic shooting skills is a prerequisite for attending an instructor training class.
Instructor Candidates who successfully complete this program's requirements will then be certified as NRA Instructors. Accordingly, they would then be able to arrange and conduct both the NRA Basic Pistol Class and the NRA Personal Protection in the Home (CPL) Class.
All admitted Instructor Candidates will be in training for the following time periods:
1. Basic Instructor Training (BIT): 6 hours
2. Basic Pistol/PPITH: 25 hours
Total minimum classroom time for this program will be 31 hours. These 31 hours do not include the time needed to complete Pre-Program Requirements. The training will be conducted over a three (3) day period over a single weekend. The hours will be long.
Space in this training program will be extremely limited. NRA Education and Training Dept. Guidelines specify that an Instructor Class "should" have at least four (4) Candidates. If you wish to be admitted, you should not delay getting enrolled into the program. This program's enrollment can be halted at any time there are at least four people officially admitted into the program.
Pre-Program Requirements
1. Complete and Submit a Pre-Course Questionaire.
2. Successfully Demonstrate Safe Gun Handling.
3. Successfully Demonstrate Acceptable Shooting Skills.
4. Successfully Demonstrate Acceptable Firearm Safety.
5. Be able to legally possess firearms.
Note: Candidates may be given examinations to assess and test their knowledge. Candidates who do not meet the Pre-Program Requirements may be required to enroll in a basic student level course to improve their knowledge and skills to improve their chances of being admitted into the program at a later date.
Candidates may be charged a nominal Evaluation Fee to cover my time needed to proctor any Pre-Assessment Examinations and Shooting Evaluations. This fee is separate from any accrued range fees (e.g. Handgun Rental, Range Time, Ammo Cost, and etc.) Candidate will be assessed at a firing range. The Evaluation Fee has not yet been set but will be disclosed prior to the setting of appointments.
In theory, a Candidate might not be immediately eligible to enroll into the Instructor Program and may take a suggested basic class to build their skills and knowledge in time to take this program, subject to space and availability. Otherwise, Candidate would have to wait until the next scheduled program.
Program Requirements
1. Meet Pre-Program Requirements and Be Officially Admitted Into the Program.
2. Instructor Candidates must meet the following age requirements to be certified:
- Be at least 21 years of age to be certified as an Instructor.
- Be at least 18 years of age to be certified as an Asst. Instructor.
- Be at least 13 years of age but be less than 17 years of age to be certified as an Apprentice Instructor.
(No candidates under 17 will be admitted unless a parent is also admitted and is also taking the course.)
3. Instructor Candidates must also achieve the following minimum scoring percentage on their exams to be credentialed:
- Certified: 90 percent or higher
- Assistant: 85 percent or higher
- Apprentice: 85 percent or higher
Only NRA Certified Instructors are qualified to organize and conduct NRA classes.
4. Be an active participant in all assigned class exercises.
5. Observe all declared safety rules. Violators will be ejected from the program without a tuition reimbursement.
6. Pay the tuition deposit for the class in advance.
- For Admitted Candidates who wish to pay in full in advance, the total tuition price will be $600 USD.
Use this link to pay tuition in full ($600):
- For Admitted Candidates who wish to reserve a seat in the class, by paying a deposit of half, the total tuition will be $750 USD. Half ($375 USD) is due immediately and the remaining payment ($375 USD) is due on the first day of class.
Use this link to pay tuition deposit of $375:
- For Admitted Candidates who wish to pay over more time, an option at a higher total price may be setup via PayPal to accommodate them. This option may not be available later.
All submitted registrations and deposits are non-refundable. If you have reservations about not being to attend the full training program, please do not register.
7. Items Instructor Candidates Shall Bring To Class
- An Unloaded Firearm with OWB Holster
- Snap Caps/Inert Training Rounds for your Firearm
- Three Inch 3-Ring Binder
- A Highlighter
- A Notepad
- A Positive Attitude and a Ton of Stamina
Rick Ector (NRA ID 150406926) has the following NRA credentials:
- Appointed Training Counselor
- Appointed Chief Range Safety Officer
- Certified Instructor
* Pistol
* Shotgun
* Rifle
* Home Firearm Safety
* Metallic Cartridge Reloading
* Shotgun Shell Reloading
The default training location will be at the following venue: 19111 W. 10 Mile Road, Room 224, Southfield, MI. If the class size is significantly higher than the program minimum of four candidates, the Training Counselor (me) may elect to move the venue to another nearby location. A venue change does not entitle participants to a refund.
The following are tentative hours of class:
- Friday, March 6th, 2015: 5pm thru 11pm
- Saturday, March 7th, 2015: 7am thru 8pm
- Sunday, March 8th, 2015: 7am thru 8pm
The Training Counselor (me) reserves the right to modify starting times and ending times, as deemed necessary.
Currently, there are no plans to offer this program at a later during this calendar year. That decision would be based, in part, by the popularity of this current class. If you want to be a NRA Firearm Instructor, you should not delay. Space is limited and enrollment can be halted at any time.
Financing Option: Use PayPal Credit!
About The Author

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides
Michigan CCW Class training in Detroit for students at his firearms school - Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit.
Ector is a recognized expert in firearm safety and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, UPI, NRAnews, Guns Digest, Tactical-Life, The Truth About Guns, The Politics Daily, Fox News Detroit, The Detroit News, The Detroit Examiner, WJLB, WGPR, and the UrbanShooterPodcast.
For more info about free shooting lessons for women and
Michigan CCW Classes, please contact:
Rick's Firearm Academy of Detroit
Phone: 313.733.7404
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